
Products and Services

Credit overview

Tradition SEF, through its StreamGlobal Credit Default Swap Trading Platform enables participants and customers of broker firm participants to enter orders for, participate in Mid-Price Match trading for, or pre-arrange and submit for execution, a wide variety of credit swaps. Tradition SEF’s StreamGlobal technology provides execution, trade booking, submission to clearing and reporting through a seamless front to back process. 


tradsef credit screenshot  


Methods of Access:

  • Direct on StreamGlobal Order Book and “Mid-Price Match” order book through click to trade on our proprietary platform GUI (CDX IG and HY only)
  • Direct Voice Access to our highly skilled swap execution specialists (brokers)
  • Indirectly through one of our approved  broker firm participants


Tradition SEF participants and customers can execute products across a broad range of credit swaps including but not limited to:

  • CDX North American IG
  • CDX North American HY
  • EM index CDS (Latam)
  • CDX IG tranches
  • CDX HY tranches
  • CDX options (IG, HY etc)

To see a full list of the credit products offered by TraditionSEF please refer to the credit asset class product listing.

For further details on how to become a broker firm participant to facilitate pre-arranged transactions, or to inquire as to how you may access our SEF as a participant or customer of one of our existing broker firm participants please contact our onboarding team at:

Credit products

Products supported by TraditionSEF for credit include, but are not limited to the following:

Credit swaps, tranches and options on the following indexes:

  • Markit ® ABX indexes®
  • Markit ® CDX indexes®
  • Markit ® CMBX indexes®
  • Markit ® LCDX indexes®
  • Markit ® MCDX indexes®
  • Markit ® PrimeX indexes®
  • Markit ® iTraxx indexes®
  • Markit ® iBoxx indexes®

For a complete list of credit products and associated characteristics, please refer to TraditionSEF Rulebook, Appendix B


To discuss how TraditionSEF can support your trading needs, e-mail or call +1 212 238 5955