Tradition boosts platform development with key strategic hires*
2 February 2015 | Hedge Week | Tradition, an interdealer brokers in over-the-counter commodity and financial products, has hired three experienced market structure professionals to expand its hybrid and electronic businesses.
LCH-CME basis swaps take off side-by-side with PTC*†
9 January 2015 | Global Capital | We have seen an increase to do these trades not only in our auction but also within Tradition SEF utilising our hybrid [central limit order book] services,” says Dan Marcus, chief executive of Trad-X. “We have operative on Trad-X both a CME CLOB and an LCH CLOB and in January we will offer live CLOB basis trading between the two.
Trad-X SEF Reaches $1T Volume Milestone*
9 December 2014 | Wall Street and Technology | Dan Marcus, CEO of Trad-X comments, "Tradition's SEF volumes have grown exponentially during 2014. We are now executing 96 percent of our 'on-SEF' USD interest rate swaps volumes on the Trad-X central limit order book.
Interdealer Brokers: Creating Market Structure Solutions from Within*
6 December 2014 | Tabb Forum | Anticipation of such regulatory reform by Tradition and its industry-wide partners resulted in the creation of Trad-X in 2011 – a trading platform for OTC derivatives that symbiotically utilized a hybrid of voice and electronic trading, ensuring liquidity was combined and operated on a seamless basis.
Buy-side firms slam broker Sefs over lack of anonymity*†
24 October 2014 | Risk | Platforms belonging to BGC Partners, GFI Group, Icap, Tradition and Tullett Prebon all retain name disclosure on their Clobs.
FX Focus - No corporate love for Clobs*†
17 October 2014 | FX Week | The on-Sef FX market is dominated by just five providers – BGC, GFI, Icap, Tradition and Tullett Prebon. All five offer a hybrid Sef model, where voice-executed trades can be routed through their Sef systems.
Would-be Sefs fear ability to access market*†
17 October 2014 | FX Week | The on-Sef FX market is currently dominated by just five providers – BGC, Icap, Tullett Prebon, GFI and Tradition – where existing business lines help support the cost of Sef operations.
Bloomberg Sef sees $60 billion worth of FX trades in first year*†
7 October 2014 | FX Week | The bulk of this volume is shared by five Sefs – GFI, BGC, Tullett Prebon, Icap and Tradition – while Bloomberg's market share is lower than 1%.
Interdealer broker rankings 2014: Sef questions piling up*†
2 September 2014 | Risk | "The key word is ‘significant'," says Scott Fitzpatrick, executive director for strategy and business development at Tradition in New York. "Do I think there will be new participants in traditional broker liquidity pools that could be considered significant? Yes.
Sef challenges remain despite busy June*
17 July 2014 | Futures & Options World | Electronic trading platforms such as Icap’s USD interest rate swaps platform i-Swap and Tradition’s Trad-X both reported record notional volumes in June of $26bn and $50bn respectively.